Conjugating Verbs: VTI oowatoo: Past Affirmative

In this lesson, we will learn how to conjugate the verb 'oowatoo' (to eat) in the past affirmative (e.g. I ate it).

Click on the 'i' in the circle to see the English translation. Click the speaker button to hear the word. Click the turtle button to hear a slower version of the word.

Study (and repeat) these words

nitsowatoo’pa vti

I ate it.

kitsowatoo’pa vti

You (singular) ate it.

iiwátoomaayi vti

S/he ate it.

nitsowatoo’pinnaana vti

We (not including you) ate it.

iiwatoo’pa vti

We (all of us) ate it.

kitsowatoo’poaa(wa) vti

You (all) ate it.

iiwatoomiaawaayi vti

They ate it.

Activity completed